Now in its seventh year, this year’s Wool Week will be happening between the 10th and the 16th of October. Expect a week’s worth of wonderful, woolly goings-on across the UK. Highlights include a Wool B ‘n’ B in London, boasting interiors crafted only from wool! That’s right, wool beds, wool lampshades, wool light switches; everything is woolly! Talk about a cosy, short stopover!
Photo © The Campaign For Wool
Supported by the UK’s Campaign for Wool flag bearer, Prince Charles, Wool Week is an excellent awareness-creating event, championing and celebrating the natural beauty and environmental benefits of real wool.
Like us, Prince Charles is fully on board the good ship, All-Natural Fibres, when it comes to knitwear. Launched in 2010, his Campaign for Wool initiative does a good job, educating knitwear lovers on the benefits of buying all-natural yarns.
Last month, the prince demonstrated the biodegradable brilliance of natural fibres by digging up two wool jumpers – one crafted from natural fibres, the other from man-made fibres – which had been buried in a Clarence House flower bed, six months previously. The hotly anticipated exhumation revealed that the all-natural jumper had decomposed considerably, and the synthetic one had not. The take out was that wool gives back to the earth, thus it is environmentally friendly, and a must for any earth-loving, knitwear enthusiast.
Find out more about the prince’s passion for real wool and all-natural yarns here.
Have ordered a couple from you but have never worn...... Size's a bit long for my thick stumpy frame........good quality though I thought .
14 Oct 2016 17:30