The average person only wears their clothes seven times before throwing them away. This is a shocking amount of wastage. Cutting back on consumption will lessen your overall carbon footprint. The average lifespan of a clothing garment is only 2.2 years. By extending the lifetime of your clothes you will significantly reduce its environmental impact.
Our customers are still wearing jumpers they bought thirty years ago. Invest in quality and spend less in the long run. Buying cheap fast fashion is a false economy.
Our clothes are made from natural fibres such as linen, cotton, wool and cashmere. They are hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, breathable and durable. They will last for many years. Wearing natural fibres also ensures that you are not contributing to the production of harmful microplastics.
Wash less.
Frequent washes break down your clothes quickly. Opt for natural fibres, they breathe fresh air into themselves without washing. They’re also naturally odour and stain repellent.
Discover WoolOvers Wool Wash.
Detergents contain tiny amounts of fossil fuels. These are harmful to the environment. Our Wool Wash is specially formulated with tea tree oil and lemon myrtle. It acts as a natural antibacterial cleanser and is softer on your clothes. Developed to brighten, freshen and restore lustre to your clothes.
The right cycle.
Avoid accidentally shrinking your clothes. Wash your clothes on a cool cycle, it is less abrasive on your yarns and saves electricity. Modern detergents are designed to wash at cooler temperatures.
1. Air dry your wet clothes.
Whether using a tumble dryer or an electric heater, using heat to dry clothes causes them to shrink and the elastic to break down.
2. Use our Cedar Balls to repel moths.
Place our non-toxic cedar balls in your wardrobe or clothes drawer. The subtle fragrance of them works as a natural pest repellent and absorbs moisture.
3. Use our Pilling Comb.
For stubborn bobbles, hold your knit so the fabric is taut and gently brush with the comb until the pills come out. De-pilling your knits will preserve them and keep them in wearable condition.
4. Make do and mend.
Don’t throw away your damaged clothes. Your favourite knits now come with extra thread and buttons so you can repair and extend the lifespan of your WoolOvers clothing.