Home for the holidays

12 Dec 2016

The Christmas TV ads are coming thick n’ fast, you’ve started stashing Christmas Day treats, and you’re stumped with what to get for them. Yep, it’s that time of year again – The Christmas Run-up is in full effect.

Nothing says “I’m in Christmas mode” better than putting your tree up. Choosing one which is far too big, lugging that huge box of decorations down from the loft, re-discovering those special, treasured baubles, discovering all the bulbs in the fairy lights have gone and generally getting in the holiday spirit, albeit with a little chaos and exasperation along the way.

But in the blur or broken baubles and twisted tinsel, many forget to extend their festive fawning to the rest of their home. A real shame, as now (perhaps more than ever) is the time to create a cosy and comfortable, hibernation haven!


Along with getting the tree up, there are a million and one things to do in the run-up to Christmas. Everyone is busy with planning, shopping, wrapping, visiting friends, partying and not to mention the routine 9 to 5. We all look forward to getting home and coming in from the cold after a long, busy day, cooking something warming, and chilling out with a couple of glasses of red.

So, why not make your home as cosy as can be this winter? After all, we’ve still got a few months of this sofa weather to go.

So, what small and easy things can you do to make your home warm and lovely all winter long?

Shut out the chill

Drafty doors and windows can seriously compromise your hibernation happiness! Make sure your place is impenetrable by investing in few, handy draft excluders. Better still, have a go at making one yourself. This can double up as a fun craft project for you and the kids over the holidays.

Feed your soul

Now is the time to shelf the salad, box up the buckwheat and put your virtuous self to one side. Winter is about homely, warming food. And wine. Lots of wonderful red wine! You need to eat and drink what makes you happy – it’s good for your soul. It’s cold outside; cosset comfort food.


Stock up on creature comforts

Indulge in some snuggly, new PJs, buy a hot water bottle, treat your tootsies to some ultra-soft socks and download that series everyone is talking about. It’s gonna be a long, few months, enjoy them in maximum comfort.

Create a cold-weather cocoon

Let’s face it, your home is going to be your hideout for the foreseeable, so work to make it as lovely as possible. Invest in big blankets, textured throws, cuddle-up cushions, and Christmassy candles. Our wonderful selection of all-natural home comforts ought to do the trick. These beauties are superb enough to see you through this winter, and many more to come, so they make for great investment buys.


And remember that difficult-to-buy-for person? What’s a better gift than the gift of winter warmth? Our fantastic home accessories make for big, Christmas-morning smiles!

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get seriously cosy this Christmas!

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